Publications from 2025
The First Thing We Do is Kill All the Lawsuits, Kenneth S. Klein
Publications from 2024
Abortion Costs and the Language of Torture, William J. Aceves
Desettling Fixation, Emily T. Behzadi Cárdenas
Economic progress versus cultural preservation: insights from ‘cultural heritage in international economic law’, Emily T. Behzadi Cárdenas
Older Women Workers, the Pandemic, Employment Discrimination and Lifetime Disadvantage, Susan Bisom-Rapp
Everybody Wants to Rule the World: Central Bank Digital Currencies in the Era of Decoupling the World’s Two Largest Economies, James M. Cooper
The Procedural Justice Industrial Complex, Shawn E. Fields
Backdating #MeToo, Jessica K. Fink
Who is a Corporation?, Catherine A. Hardee
Implementing ABA Standard 303(b)(3): Positive Legal Education Through a Community of Inquiry, Joshua Aaron Jones
Violent Images in Legal Education, Amy F. Kimpel
Reclaiming Personal Privacy Rights Through the Freedom of Intimate Association, Nancy C. Marcus
A Framework for Applying Copyright Law to the Training of Textual Generative Artificial Intelligence, Art Neill, James Thomas, and Erika Lee
COVID-19 pediatric vaccine authorization, FDA authority, and individual misperception of risk, Joanna K. Sax and Neal Doran
Fan Works and the Elusive Border between Derivative and Transformative Uses, Aaron Schwabach
Self-Defense and Political Rage, Erin L. Sheley
Impossibility and impracticability, Donald J. Smythe
Arrests: Legal and Illegal, Daniel Yeager
Publications from 2023
Shadow Amendments, William J. Aceves
National Security or National Origin? The Implications of Florida’s Alien Land Law Under the Federal Fair Housing Act, Emily T. Behzadi Cárdenas
His Ship Has Sailed—Expelling Columbus from Cultural Heritage Law, Emily T. Behzadi
Introductory Note to Cassirer v. Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection Foundation (U.S. Sup. Ct.), Emily T. Behzadi
Regulatory Choices and Legal Disputes in the Fight Against COVID-19 Infections in the Workplace, Susan Bisom-Rapp and Marco Peruzzi
Intellectual Property Piracy in the Time of the Metaverse, James M. Cooper
Gender-Based Religious Persecution, Pooja R. Dadhania
State Responsibility for Forced Migration, Pooja R. Dadhania
Using a “Bystander Bounty” to Encourage the Reporting of Workplace Sexual Harassment, Jessica K. Fink
Less is More?: Accountability for White-Collar Offenses Through an Abolitionist Framework, Pedro Gerson
Shortlisted: A Conversation Between Judge Diane Wood, Renee Knake Jefferson, and Hannah Brenner Johnson, Renee Newman Jefferson, Hannah Brenner Johnson, and Diane P. Wood
The Case for Pausing any Immediate Embrace of the Social Inflation Argument for Legal System Reforms, Kenneth S. Klein
The Unnatural Disaster of Insurance, Underinsurance, and Natural Disasters, Kenneth S. Klein
When “Riot” is in the Eye of the Beholder: The Critical Need for Constitutional Clarity in Riot Laws, Nancy C. Marcus
Bridging the Gap in LGBTQ+ Rights Litigation: A Community Discussion on Bisexual Visibility in the Law, Nancy C. Marcus, Bendita Malakia, Ann E. Tweedy, and Mya Reid
Real Estate Trends: Title and Blockchain Technology, Laura M. Padilla
International regulation of genetically engineered food, Joanna K. Sax
The Purloined Debtor: Edgar Allan Poe’s Bankruptcy in Law and Letters, Erin L. Sheley and Zvi Rosen
The Case against Regional Transmission Monopolies, Kristen van de Biezendos
LegalBench: A Collaboratively Built Benchmark for Measuring Legal Reasoning in Large Language Models, Spencer Williams
A History of Fruit of the Poisonous Tree (1916-1942), Daniel B. Yeager
Publications from 2022
On the Meaning of Color and the End of White(ness), William J. Aceves
Persons of Colour (POC), William J. Aceves
Solving the Settlement Puzzle in Human Rights Litigation, William J. Aceves
The Problem with Dobbs and the Rule of Legality, William J. Aceves
The Watts Gang Treaty: Hidden History and the Power of Social Movements, William J. Aceves
Statues of Fraud : Confederate Monuments as Public Nuisances, Emily T. Behzadi
The Fiction of NFTs and Copyright Infringement, Emily T. Behzadi
The Role of Law and Myth in Creating a Workplace that 'Looks Like America', Susan Bisom-Rapp
A Freezer Chest Of Frozen Embryos: ‘Men And Women Of Good Conscience Can Disagree’, Robert A. Bohrer
Bizarre Love Triangle: The Trilateral Responses to Tame the United States-Mexico Border, James M. Cooper
Same As It Ever Was : The Tijuana River Sewage Crisis, Non-State Actors, and the State, James M. Cooper
Some Reflections on the Fourth Chilean-German-Tanzanian Legal Talk, James M. Cooper
Reimagining Sovereignty to Protect Migrants, Pooja R. Dadhania
Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Peace, Tabrez Y. Ebrahim
Sidelined Again: How the Government Abandoned Working Women Amidst a Global Pandemic, Jessica K. Fink
Reconceiving Coercion-Based Criminal Defenses, Stephen R. Galoob and Erin L. Sheley
Embracing Crimmigration to Curtail Immigration Detention, Pedro Gerson
Is fire insurable?, Kenneth S. Klein
Yes, Alito, There is a Right to Privacy: Why the Leaked Dobbs Opinion is Doctrinally Unsound, Nancy C. Marcus
New Media Rights' Internet & Media Law Clinic: California Western School of Law, Art Neill
Digitalization and the Future of the Ghana Legal System, Richard Frimpong Oppong
The Black-White Paradigm’s Continuing Erasure of Latinas: See Women Law Deans of Color, Laura M. Padilla
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and (Mis)perception of Risk, Joanna K. Sax
Genetically Engineered Food, Food Security, and Climate Change, Joanna K. Sax
The Legal Role in Building Sustainable Public Health (Symposium Transcript), Joanna K. Sax
Evaluation of Risk Perception of Smoking after the Implementation of California’s Tobacco 21 Law, Joanna K. Sax and Neal Doran
The Dignitary Confrontation Clause, Erin L. Sheley
Using Artificial Intelligence in the Law Review Submissions Process, Brenda M. Simon
Supreme Court 2022: Abortion, Guns, a Leak, and a New Justice, Steven R. Smith
Contractual Complexity, Spencer Williams
Publications from 2021
Amending a Racist Constitution, William J. Aceves
The Unified Legal Skills Program: How One Law School Adapted to Meet the Needs of Students Online, and How Those Adaptations May Inform Post-Pandemic Teaching, David Austin, Allison D. Cato, Amy E. Day, and Liam Vavasour
Art Law 201: Painting the Picture of Sales of Art During a Global Pandemic, Emily T. Behzadi
Destruction of Cultural Heritage as a Violation of Human Rights: Application of the Alien Tort Statute, Emily T. Behzadi
Crisis and Cultural Evolution: Steering the Next Normal from Self-Interest to Concern and Fairness, Robert A. Bohrer
Incorporating Feminist Perspectives Throughout Law School Curriculum, Hannah Brenner Johnson
Reflections on Legal Education in the Aftermath of a Pandemic, Timothy Casey
Games Without Frontiers: The Increasing Importance of Intellectual Property Rights in the People’s Republic of China, James M. Cooper
Algorithms in Business, Merchant-Consumer Interactions, & Regulation, Tabrez Y. Ebrahim
Intellectual Property Through a Non-Western Lens: Patents in Islamic Law, Tabrez Y. Ebrahim
Immigration Detention As An Obstacle To Decarceration, Pedro Gerson
American Punishment and Pandemic, Danielle C. Jefferis
Ashes to Ashes: A Way Home for Climate Change Survivors, Kenneth S. Klein
The Duty of Manufacturers to Consumers Under California Fraudulent Concealment Law, Nancy C. Marcus
Does a Rising Tide Lift All Boats? Sea Level Rise, Land Use, and Property Rights, Laura M. Padilla
Beyond Emissions: Migration, Prisons, and the Green New Deal, Wyatt Sassman and Danielle C. Jefferis
Response to: A Telehealth Explosion: Using Lessons From the Pandemic To Shape the Future of Telehealth Regulation, Joanna K. Sax
The Othering of the AAPI Community in America, Sean M. Scott, Vinay Harpalani, and Rose Cuison-Villazor
Preserving the Fruits of Labor: Impediments to University Inventor Mobility, Brenda M. Simon
Exacting Inclusion: Property Theory, the Character of Government Action, and Implicit Takings, Donald J. Smythe
SCOTUS in the Strait of Messina: Steering the Course between Private Rights and Public Powers, Donald J. Smythe
Enforcing Concurrent Sentences, Daniel B. Yeager
Publications from 2020
Avoiding the Terrorist Trap: Why Respect for Human Rights is the Key to Defeating Terrorism by Tom Parker (review), William J. Aceves
Hernandez, Bivens, and the Supreme Court's Expanding Theory of Judicial Abdication, William J. Aceves
Criminal Justice and COVID-19, David W. Austin and Mark E. Wojcik,
"Spain for the Spaniards": An Examination of the Plunder & Polemic Restitution of the Salamanca Papers, Emily T. Behzadi
Ch. 14 McCarty v. Pheasant Run, Inc., 826 F.2d 1554 (7th Cir. 1987), Hannah Brenner Johnson
Standing in Between Sexual Violence Victims and Access to Justice: The Limits of Title IX, Hannah Brenner Johnson
Exonerating the Wrongfully Convicted, Justin Brooks and Desiree Moshayedi
Traditional Knowledge in Taiwan: A Call for Greater Participation of Indigenous Peoples in the Global Intellectual Property Marketplace, James M. Cooper
Language Access and Due Process in Asylum Interviews, Pooja R. Dadhania