Incorporating Feminist Perspectives Throughout Law School Curriculum
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Book Chapter
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In law schools across the United States, feminist perspectives are glaringly absent from the curriculum – from the first year’s core subjects through the upper-division specialty, experiential, and elective courses. The formal study of feminist jurisprudence, if it occurs at all, is typically relegated to the occasional specialized gender-focused seminar offered at some institutions. Today, traditional first-year doctrinal courses are almost uniformly taught using the well-established case method. The content of the casebooks (including the cases and supplementary notes) for these courses may vary somewhat from author to author.
Recommended Citation
Hannah Brenner Johnson,
Incorporating Feminist Perspectives Throughout Law School Curriculum,
Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Property Opinions (Eloisa C. Rodriguez-Dod & Elena Maria Marty-Nelson eds.)
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