California Western International Law Journal
Current Issue: Volume 55, Number 1 (2024)
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
California Western International Law Journal
Building Digital Payment Ecosystems: Digital Financial Infrastructure, Financial Inclusion, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Douglas Arner, Sijuade Animashaun, Yixiao Cai, and Kuzi Charamba
The Relationship Between International Criminal Tribunals and National Militaries
Franklin D. Rosenblatt
Ending the Era of Encampments: The United States Supreme Court Criminalizes Homelessness
Kaylina Castellanos
A Rising Pride Lifts All Boats: Canada Should Accept U.S. Transgender Asylum-Seekers and Codify Gender Identity as a Protected Ground for Asylum
Benjamin DeCarlo
Carbon Monoxide Detectors: A $30 Device That Could Save Lives in Mexico
Cristal Hernandez-Moreno