California Western Law Review
Volume 21, Issue 2 (2016) CIVIL RICO SYMPOSIUM
Prefatory Matter
Table of Contents
California Western Law Review
Adrian M. Foley
Pursuing a Business Fraud RICO Claim
Michael A. Bertz
RICO Repercussions: Sedima and Haroco
Harold Brown
The Case for Divestiture to Private Plaintiffs Under 18 U.S.C. Section 1964(a)
David P. Curnow and Howard B. Matloff
Vicarious Civil Liability Under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
Thomas E. Dwyer, Jr. and Stephen Kiely
RICO Damages: Look to the Clayton Act, Not the Predicate Act
Frederic W. Parnon
A Civil RICO Bibliography
Anita C. Milner
Civil RICO: The Resolution of the Racketeering Enterprise Injury Requirement
Randall Jon Friend and Susan Ballard Friend
RICO and Equitable Remedies Not Available for Private Litigants
Stephen F. Lopez