Content Posted in 2016
A Civil RICO Bibliography, Anita C. Milner
A First Amendment Exception to Copyright for Exigent Circumstances, Michael L. Crowley
A Haven for International Child Abduction: Will the Hague Convention Shape Japanese Family Law?, Yoko Konno
Alternative to Litigation: Court-Annexed Arbitration, Carlton J. Snow and Elliot M. Abramson
Annual Luncheon Address: California Western Law Review, Frank K. Richardson
Asserting Mineral Rights against the United States Government in Federal Court, Robert C. Coates and Willian B. Grant
A Tippee's Duty to Disclose Under Rule 10B-5: Dirks v. S.E.C., Scott Chase Brown
Awarding Punitive Damages in Medical Malpractice Arbitration, Paul M. Nussbaum
Baar v. Tigerman: An Attack on Absolute Immunity for Arbitrators!, Elvi J. Olesen
Balancing Acts: The Rights of Women and Cultural Minorities in Kenyan Marital Law, Catherine A. Hardee
Bars to Justice: The Impact of Rape Myths on Women in Prison, Hannah Brenner, Kathleen Darcy, Gina Fedock, and Sheryl Kubiak
Board of Education v. Rowley: Are Handicapped Children Entitled to Equal Education Opportunities, Lori A. Wenderoff
BOOK REVIEW: Piercing the Computer Veil, Vincent F.J. Aiello
Book Reviews, California Western Law Review
Books Received, California Western Library
Books Received, California Western Library
Border Crossings, Internal Checkpoints, and the Fourth Amendment in the Southern District, Seve Gonzales
Breaking the “Link” Between Awards for Attorney’s Fees and Enhanced Damages in Patent Law, Tyler A. Hicks
Chasing Tails: Establishing the Right to Truth, Mourning and Compensation, Danushka S. Medawatte
Churning and the Death of Low Risk Larceny: Calculating Damages to Redress the Churning Client's Loss in Portfolio Value, Michael F.J. Romano
Civil RICO: The Resolution of the Racketeering Enterprise Injury Requirement, Randall Jon Friend and Susan Ballard Friend
Claims to Jurisdiction over the Environment of the Continental Shelf, John Warren Kindt
Comparative Jury Procedures, Kenneth S. Klein
Confessions and Culture: The Interaction of Miranda and Diversity, Floralynn Einesman
Considering Consequences: Autonomy’s Missing Half, Catherine A. Hardee
Control of the Export of Technology, Harold L. Marquis and Cynthia L. Kundin
Decentralizing Occupational Health and Safety Regulation: An Evaluation of the Foundation and Prospects, David P. McCaffrey
Dietary Supplements are Not all Safe and Not all Food: How the Low Cost of Dietary Supplements Preys on the Consumer, Joanna K. Sax
"Fee Speech": First Amendment Limitations on Student Fee Expenditures, Jason F. Lauren
Fiduciary-isms: A Study of Academic Influence on the Expansion of the Law, Daniel B. Yeager
Freedom of Expression and Employment Security in the Public Service: Different Rights with Different Remedies, Patrick D. Halligan
From One Town's 'Alternative Families' Ordinance to Marriage Equality Nationwide, Barbara Cox
From One Town’s “Alternative Families” Ordinance to Marriage Equality Nationwide, Barbara J. Cox
Hack and be Hacked: A Framework for the United States to Respond to Non-state Actors in Cyberspace, Jessica R. Gross
Heien v. North Carolina and Police Mistakes of Law: The Supreme Court Adds Another Ingredient to Its “Freedom-Destroying Cocktail”, Lorenzo G. Morales
How Long Is Too Long? When Pretrial Detention Violates Due Process, Floralynn Einesman
Illinois v. Lafayette: Has the Fourth Amendment Vanished in the Face of Administrative Expediency?, Philip Popper
Improving Contracts Through Expanding Perspectives of Understanding, Thomas Barton
Improving Labor Relations Through Corporate Social Responsibility – Lessons from Germany and France, Addie Stone
Insured Bodily Injury Coverage: A Proposal to Replace Uninsured Motorist Coverage in California Comments, Brian D. Miller
Internet Giants as Quasi-Governmental Actors and the Limits of Contractual Consent, Nancy Kim and D.A. Jeremy Telman
Introduction, Adrian M. Foley
Judicial Activism and Restraint on the United States Supreme Court: A Political-Behavioral Analysis, Roger B. Handberg and Harold F. Hill, Jr.
Law School Based Incubators and Access to Justice, Patricia Salkin, Ellen Suni, Niels Schaumann, and Mary Lu Bilek
Madonnas and Whores in the Workplace, Jessica Fink
Military Justice: The Oxymoron of the 1980's, Michael I. Spak
Oregon v. Bradshaw: Waiver Standard Emasculated, James Kousouros
Owner Delay Damages Chargeable to Performance Bond Surety, Ken Sobel
Patent "Trolls" and Claim Construction, Greg Reilly
People v. Dillon: Felony Murder in California, Stephen L. Miller
People v. Shirley: The Use of Hypnotically Enhanced Testimony at Trial, Frank J. Ingrassia
Public Use in Eminent Domain: Are there Limits After Oakland Raiders and Poletown?, Susan Crabtree
Pursuing a Business Fraud RICO Claim, Michael A. Bertz
Rethinking the Meaning of the Phrase "Surviving Widow" in the Jones Act: Has the Time Come for Admiralty Courts to Fashion a Federal Law of Domestic Relations?, Robert M. Jarvis
Rewriting California Groundwater Law: Past Attempts and Prerequisites to Reform, Zachary A. Smith
RICO and Equitable Remedies Not Available for Private Litigants, Stephen F. Lopez
RICO Damages: Look to the Clayton Act, Not the Predicate Act, Frederic W. Parnon
RICO Repercussions: Sedima and Haroco, Harold Brown
Self-Defense: Battered Woman Syndrome on Trial Comments, Roberta K. Thyfault
Severing the Legislative Veto Provision: The Aftermath of Chada, Angelo G. Garubo
Solem v. Helm: The Courts' Continued Struggle to Define Cruel and Unusual Punishment, Therese M. Roy
table of contents, California Western Law Review
Table of Contents, California Western International Law Journal
Table of Contents, California Western Law Review
Table of Contents, California Western Law Review
table of contents, California Western Law Review
Table of Contents, California Western International Law Journal
The Case for Divestiture to Private Plaintiffs Under 18 U.S.C. Section 1964(a), David P. Curnow and Howard B. Matloff
The Elephant in the Room: Attorney Accountability for Jury Nullification Arguments in Criminal Trials, Kimberly Del Frate
The Landlord as a Retailer? Strict Products Liability and the Landlord-Tenant Relationship in California: Becker v. IRM Corporation, Meredith J. Lintott
The New Holographic Will in California: Has It Outlived Its Usefulness, Robert P. Kirk
The Parts Are Greater Than the Sum: What I Learned From My Mediation Clinic Students, Floralynn Einesman
The Remote Tippee Dilemma: Resolving Tippee Liability More Than Thirty Years After Dirks v. SEC, Francisco A. Loayza
The Right of Publicity: Dispelling Survivability, Preemption and First Amendment Myths Threatening to Eviscerate a Recognized State Right, Michael J. McLane
The Two-Thirds Verdict: A Surviving Anachronism in an Age of Court-Martial Evolution, Howard C. Cohen
To Infiltrate and Beyond: Democratic Approaches to Asylum seekers in the United States and Israel, Adam Grant
Toward a Model Parental Liability Act, Dana E. Prescott and Cynthia L. Kundin
Truth and Legitimacy (in Courts), Kenneth S. Klein
Two Stories About Skin Color and International Human Rights Advocacy, William J. Aceves
Two Stories About Skin Color and International Human Rights Advocacy, William J. Aceves
United States v. George Tenet: A Federal Indictment for Torture, William J. Aceves
Uston v. Resorts International Hotel: An Unwarranted Intrusion on the Common Law Right of Exclusion Note, Marc S. Schechter
Vampires Among Us, Floralynn Einesman
Vicarious Civil Liability Under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, Thomas E. Dwyer, Jr. and Stephen Kiely
You Would't Give Me Anything, Would you? Tort Liability for Genital Herpes, William S. Donnell