Content Posted in 2013
Access to Prescription Drugs: A Normative Economic Approach to Pharmacist Conscience Clause Legislation, Joanna K. Sax
Application of Default Rules to Address Financial Conflicts of Interest in Academic Medical Centers, Joanna K. Sax
Drug Testing of Students: A Legal and Public Health Perspective, Floralynn Einesman
Drug Testing Students in California – Does it Violate the State Constitution?, Floralynn Einesman
Evaluation of academic scientists’ responses to situations that pose a conflict of interest, Joanna K. Sax
Financial Conflicts of Interest in Science, Joanna K. Sax
Legislative Reform of California’s Direct Democracy: A Field Guide to Recent Efforts, Glenn Smith
Protecting Scientific Integrity: The Commercial Speech Doctrine Applied to Industry Publications, Joanna K. Sax
Rabenmutter and the Glass Ceiling: An Analysis of Role Conflict Experienced by Women Lawyers in Germany as Compared with Women Lawyers in the United States, Jacquelyn H. Slotkin
Symposium Introduction: Advancing Intellectual Property Goals Through Prevention and Alternative Dispute Resolution, Thomas Barton and James Cooper
The Life Cycle of Immigration: A Tale of Two Migrants, William J. Aceves and James M. Cooper
The States "Race" with the Federal Government for Stem Cell Research, Joanna K. Sax
The Tobacco Diaries: Lessons Learned and Applied to Regulation of Dietary Supplements, Joanna K. Sax
Three Modes of Legal Problem Solving–and What to Do About Them in Legal Education, Thomas D. Barton
Visualization: Seeing Contracts for What They Are, and What They Could Become, Thomas Barton, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, and Helena Haapio